Rudolph KNDS · Fuldatal


The new building with a gross floor area of around 26,500 m² includes an automated small parts and pallet warehouse. Two crane systems with a load capacity of up to 40 tonnes will load and unload trucks in the interior of the hall. A full-surface photovoltaic system will not only generate electricity for the company’s own needs, but will also feed the surplus into the grid. Heat generation will be completely fossil-free using renewable energies.

The underground cavities and tunnels of the former coal mining area pose a challenge for the site, as they require a complex deep foundation. Around 70,000 cubic metres of soil were removed from the northern part of the site and then added to the southern area. “The cut & fill serves as preparation for the deep foundation, which consists of around 22 km of concrete piles,” explains fabrikon project manager Alexander Bässe.

The construction work was preceded by an intensive, smooth planning phase, including the preparation of the development plan with the relevant approval authorities.

Project data

Rudolph Logistik Group / KNDS
Fuldatal-Ihringshausen, Hesse, Germany
Project Size
Hall area
26,560 m²
Office and mezzanine space
850 m²
Solar energy
Fossil free heating