DHL · Florstadt 4


Within nine months, fabrikon is building another state-of-the-art logistics facility with around 30,000 m² of floor space for DHL Supply Chain. The ambitious schedule only works – as already proven with the third building – if all project stakeholders work towards a common goal.

In addition to the gold certificate from the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council), the ESG sustainability criteria of the EU taxonomy are fulfilled. The Well-Core Standard Gold will be achieved for the office area, increasing the well-being for employees. Glulam beams made from the sustainable material wood are used for the visible roof structure.

In combination with the fossil-free heating system and the roof-mounted photovoltaic system, the owner/operator of the site is equipped to meet future challenges for people and technology.

Project data

DHL Supply Chain
Florstadt, Hesse, Germany
Project Size
Hall area
30,500 m²
Office and social space
1,990 m²
Mezzanine area
1,230 m²
dgnb gold
Erfüllt die Kriterien nach DGNB Gold
Solar energy
dgnb gold
Erfüllt die Kriterien nach DGNB Gold
Fossil free heating
Well-Core Gold